1. Number of Days in the Plan per Week

The number of days per week, for example, 4 days out of 7 days or 5 days out of 7 days, or 7 days out of 7 days.

2. Total Plan Days

Explanation: If someone made a plan for a month and chooses the number of days per week as 7, there will be no rest day, so the total plan days will be 30. Alternatively, if someone chooses 6 days per week, there will be one rest day (and rest days will not be counted), so the total plan days will be 26. Or if someone chooses 5 days per week, there will be two rest days (and rest days will not be counted), so the total plan days will be 22.

3. memorization & review

memorization & review: For memorization and review. From Al-Fatihah to An-Nas [Al-Fatihah, Al-Baqarah, Aal-E-Imran, ..., Al-Falaq, An-Nas]- Or From An-Nas to Al-Fatihah [An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas, ..., Al-Baqarah, Al-Fatihah]- This applies to both memorization and review.

4. Surah for Memorization

This is the beginning of the memorization or the new lesson.

5. Number of Faces for Memorization

...The amount of daily memorization (1) page, (2) pages, (3) or pages.

6. Number of Lines for Memorization

...The amount of daily memorization for the lines to be memorized (1) line, (2) lines, (3) or lines.

7. Mechanism of Memorization for pages and Lines

Note: If a value is entered for memorization in pages, it may increased or decreased by 6 lines. Example 1: If a person memorizes an amount of 1 page and starts memorizing Surah Abasa, the memorization will be extended to the end of the Surah with an increase of 6 lines (for the end of the Surah).Or Conversely, in case of a decrease, starting from Surah Ar-Rahman, the page will be taken from the beginning of Ar-Rahman to the end of the page with a decrease of 6 lines. This is to adjust the end of the Surah or the end of the page. Example 2: If the lines are entered, the number of lines will be calculated with an increase and decrease in the lines, and the amount will be 30% for the end of the Surah or its proximity to the end of the page or the end of the Surah.

8. Minor Review

It refers to the review of memorization.

9. Review of Memorization for the Last

...Review of memorization lessons for the last (1) day, (2) days, (3) or days.

10. Days for Review Without New Memorization

It refers to the days for review at the end of the week without new memorization.

11. Major Review

Major Review: To review all of what have been memorized, from day one to the last day

12. Clarification for Major Review

Example 1 – If the memorization & review is chosen to be from Al-Fatihah to An-Nas and Surah Al-Hajj is selected for memorization, the review will be from Al-Fatihah to Al-Anbiya, and the amount of the review will increase if the memorization moves to Al-Muminun -> An-Nur -> Al-Furqan, and so on Example 2 – If the memorization & review is chosen to be from An-Nas to Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Hajj is selected for memorization, the scope of the review will be from An-Nas to Al-Muminun, and the amount of the review will increase if the memorization moves to Al-Anbiya -> Taha -> Maryam, and so on.

13. For Those memorized the Holy Quran

You can review the Quran by entering 0 in memorization and reviewing the memorization by entering the number of pages to be reviewed in the major review.

14. For Memorization and Review Only

For those who want to memorize and review only without the major review, they can enter 0 for the number of pages for the major review to cancel it.

15. To Create a Plan for Halaga (group)

Please download the plan file for the group by clicking the button "Download Group Planning File." Open the file in Excel format. Important rules before starting editing: Allow putting the value zero for cells in the following columns [Number of pages for Memorization, Number of Lines for Memorization, Review of Last Lessons, Days for Review Without New Memorization, Number of pages for Major Review]. Do not enter values through the keyboard for the following columns in the file [memorization & review, Surah for Memorization, Surah for Major Review]. ((Important)) – Do not allow putting a value of zero (0) or an empty value for cells in the following columns [Verse for Memorization, Verse for Major Review]. Do not allow putting an empty value for cells in the following columns [Number of pages for Memorization, Number of Lines for Memorization, Review of Last Lessons, Days for Review Without New Memorization, Number of pages for Major Review]. Finally, the file contains an example for 22 students. If you want to delete or add a student, copy one of the rows and paste it, or delete one. After editing, please upload the file with the inputs for the start of the plan, the total days, and the number of days per week. Thank you.

16. Time to Create a Group Plan

Please be patient during the group plan creation process.

17. For Suggestions and Corrections

If there are linguistic or programming errors, please contact us via WhatsApp or email. If there is a better way to explain, please contact us. Don't forget to keep us in your prayers. Thank you.